Friday, November 16, 2012

Another Quick Note

Yesterday I was handed a bag full of books that had arrived at the kindergarten from Scholastic Books.  I'm so excited.  We have quite a few books to start reading and cooking and eating. 
The boys tore into the bag and wanted to start reading, but the littlest one told them "No, Grummy has to read them first."  For the first time as far as I know, it seems the two older ones listened to what the baby said.  At least according to their Momma.
Once we get through this new list of books, I think I might do three in a row based on a topic chosen by each of the boys.  This is how we ended up with Smash! Crash! by John Scieszka.   They all wanted Truck stories.  Then we had Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin because they wanted a Dragon story (I'm going to have to recreate this meal in order to photograph it, but needless to say, it involved tacos.  A lot of tacos.)
Just to let all of you know, this is turning into a huge deal with the boys.  They look forward to the books and meals, and while I'm not with them, they tell each other the stories over and over.  When they have something for dinner that reminds them of one of the stories, they tell the story to whoever will listen.  I think I've hit upon a way to generate dinner table conversation.
I really do love doing this, and even more I love watching and hearing of the impact.
Monday is the next book and dinner night and I'm sure it'll be great.  Look for the posting on Tuesday for the details.

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