Tuesday, December 11, 2012

We're building story telling skills .... or we're hungry

We've been passing germs around in our little Grummy - Grandson foursome for a couple of months now, which has made our story dinners pretty scarce.  But the phone calls are peppered with conversations about books, so I know we're all looking forward to our next meal.  Hopefully by the weekend ....
[Grandson1]  [Grummy]
Are you sick Grummy?
A little bit. 
Yeah, me too, but more.
How bout Grummy we do a book about cupcakes?
That sounds awfully pink to me.
I don’t like pink.  How bout Grummy we do a book about brown cupcakes?
What would the brown cupcakes do?
They’d take a trip to the store to see the lobsters.
So it’s a book about brown cupcakes and lobsters?
They could get some noodles at the store. 
Well, something really dramatic has to happen in the story.  Something we have to fix, or win, or change.
The baby gets out of the cart and he eats the bananas.
Okay, so now we have brown cupcakes, lobsters, noodles and bananas.
I like this story Grummy.

If we don't have a story dinner ready for the weekend, I'll prepare one from our list of books and we'll get the boys' reactions later.

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